Fishing in Chains at Lake Powell Predicted to be ‘Best in a Decade’ Anglers probably won’t want to ‘hold the anchovies’ when casting from the Chains Recreation Area this spring, unless it’s just for a moment before tossing them in the water as chum. Utah Division of Wildlife biologist and Lake Powell fishing expert Wayne Gustaveson is predicting the most stellar fishing in the Chains Area near Glen Canyon Dam and Wahweap in over a decade. Gustaveson says Lake Powell’s relatively low level means formerly submerged brushy areas are now exposed above the waters surface, placing the fish on the move with less habitat to hide and conceal in. Gustaveson says he anticipates schools to really be on the move in April with fishing at the Chains becoming very productive in May. Shoreline fisher-folk will do well with bait, says Gustaveson, because stripers like to patrol the shoreline while launching from deeper water.
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